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Sam Crozier

An introduction to Land Registry Lease Plans: everything you need to know

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

If you've been told you need a Land Registry lease plan for your leasehold property, it's not unusual to have questions. Why do you need one? How much does it cost? How long does it take to get one? And how do you know you've got it right?

We are asked similar questions every day, so we're rounded up some of the things you might need to know if this topic is new to you.

What is a Land Registry Lease Plan?

A lease plan is essentially a drawing that depicts exactly what area of a premises is included in a lease. It must be compliant with Land Registry guidelines, meaning - amongst other things - that it must be drawn to scale, include the boundaries of the leasehold in question and any associated land (for example a garden or a garage) and be in enough detail that it could be identified on an Ordnance Survey map.

There are several other land registry plan requirements too, such as the orientation being clearly marked, the location being clearly identifiable and the separate parts of the property being indicated. It is also important that your lease plan is not marked by disclaimers such as 'for identification only'.

Lease plans help to avoid disputes and ensure clarity in property transactions. All Leasehold properties must have a land registry compliant plan in line with regulations that were set as part of the 2022 Land Registration Act.

They are different to land registry title plans, which should also be compliant, but are for use when you are selling freehold land and properties.

What does a land registry lease plan include?

Land registry compliant plans should consist of a blueprint-style map, drawn to scale, which contains all of the pertinent details of the demised premises - which effectively means the property, or the space within a property, that is being leased. Typically the key components that must be included are:

  • Boundaries: The property's boundaries are clearly depicted and show the extent of the premises included in the lease

  • Identification details: The property address and any other relevant information that uniquely identifies it

  • Building outlines: Buildings, garages and other significant constructions all clearly outlined

  • Land use: Different areas within the property clearly defined, distinguishing between structures, open spaces, and other relevant features

  • Levels: The level that each part of the property is located on should be explicitly stated (for example: ground floor, first floor)

  • Access and rights of way: Shared spaces, rights of way, and any access points are distinctly shown

  • North point: An indicator showing the orientation of the property

  • Ordnance Survey plan: in the corner should be a scaled Ordnance Survey location plan showing the property within the local area

At Lease Planners, our land registry compliant lease plans include all of the required elements in both printed and PDF form. A full site survey is also available but is optional.

What does a land registry lease plan look like?

Unless you are someone very involved in property transactions such as a solicitor, or specifically familiar with the land registry, a land registry lease plan probably won't look like very much to you at all! It will be a floorplan that you will likely recognise as the property, with a scale noted and the demise of the property outlined in red as well as other areas outlined in different colours. Here are some examples:

The floor plan is the document needed, so you aren't looking for anything longer or more complicated than that - the important thing is that it is land registry compliant, which is where the complexity comes in, and the reason it is so important to have someone who is familiar with land registry applications produce it.

Why would you need a land registry lease plan?

It is a legal requirement that new leases lasting for seven years or longer must be registered with the Land Registry, and a land registry lease plan is a legal requirement in almost all of those cases. If you are selling or buying a Leasehold property that has no changes to its boundaries and has a long lease, it may be that a lease plan already exists. If you do already have one, and it is Land Registry compliant, it won't be necessary to get another.

There are several scenarios where you may need a new land registry lease plan:

  • You are renewing or extending the lease of a property

  • You are changing the demise of a leasehold property (such as extending into a loft) and therefore require a deed of variation, including a new compliant lease plan, to reflect the change

  • You are converting your Freehold property into Leasehold, for example if you are a landlord changing a Freehold property into Leasehold flats

  • You are registering a Leasehold property for the first time

  • You are buying or selling a commercial Leasehold property on a lease of 7 years or more

  • Your current lease plan is outdated or non-compliant

Lease plans are for leasehold properties only, so if the property in question is freehold, they won't be relevant for you. Instead, you may need to look at title plans.

Why do I need another lease plan if I already have one?

If your lease plan is outdated, incorrect, or does not comply with land registry requirements, it will not be accepted by the Land Registry. In these cases, you will need to get a new lease plan to submit to them.

We would recommend making sure that you enlist the services of a trusted professional who is familiar with Land Registry guidelines to get a new one produced, so that you can be sure that it will be accepted and you will not have to repeat the process.

At Lease Planners, we have a deep understanding of the government guidelines and complexities, and are always happy to help should you find that your current lease plan is outdated or non-compliant.

How long does it take to get a land registry lease plan?

Lease plans can generally be produced fairly quickly - between a couple of days and a couple of weeks - but the timeframe depends on the provider you choose and how smoothly everything goes. If you need an urgent lease plan in a matter of days, there's no need to worry too much, as you will very likely find you are able to get it done in time.

At Lease Planners, our standard start-to-finish process takes around a week; a property visit within 2-3 days of booking, then the complete CAD production and the drafted documents sent over the following 2-3 days. It is sometimes possible to expedite the process, so we are always happy to discuss your needs.

How much does a land registry lease plan cost?

Lease plans can vary in cost and prices will usually start in the region of around £200 - £300. There are several factors that can affect the price you pay, such as whether the plan is for residential or commercial purposes and whether you require an in-person survey or will be supplying the required details yourself for a professional to work from. It's important to take your lease plan seriously, though; failing to have a compliant one created will cost you time and money.

It's therefore important to consider the expertise and competence of the company you obtain your lease plan from; the lowest cost supplier may not turn out to be so affordable if it isn't completed in a way that is compliant with the land registry and is subsequently rejected. If this happens, you will need to resubmit your application (including the associated fees) and supply a new plan.

Unfortunately, this is a situation we have seen before, when customers have come to us after previously submitting a non-compliant plan and needing it redone. It certainly pays to be sure that you can trust the company providing it to you!

Get a land registry compliant lease plan

With considerable experience amassed over years in the field and a deep understanding of the complexities involved, Lease Planners guarantee complete accuracy and compliance with land registry guidance in all lease plans we supply. We're also well aware that the process can be intimidating, so make sure to keep things clear and straightforward for you.

Contact us today if you would like to discuss a lease plan for your property or have any questions.

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